Cyber Diplomacy

Indonesia collaborating with Australia to address growing threat of cyber attacks

Indonesia is facing a growing challenge in the form of cyber threats, with a record 1.65 billion attacks recorded in 2021 alone.

The impact of these attacks has been significant, costing the country up to IDR 478.8tn (US$34.2bn) in deficit.

To address this growing problem, Indonesia has been partnering with other countries, such as Australia, to build its cyber security capacity.

In a recent article, Ujang Priyono, Yoedhi Swastanto, and Budi Pramono from Indonesia’s Defence University delve into the issue of Indonesia’s increasing cyber threats and its efforts to develop its cyber capabilities through collaboration with Australia.

The authors argue that effective cyber diplomacy is crucial in addressing the growing threat of cyber attacks.

Cyber diplomacy involves the use of diplomatic measures to protect a country’s interests and goals in cyberspace.

Indonesia has employed the Cyber Agency Model, establishing the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) in 2017, while Australia uses the Cyber Ambassador Model, appointing an ambassador to lead cyber diplomacy and coordinate with other government departments involved in cyber security.

The partnership between Indonesia and Australia offers valuable insights into effective strategies for building cyber security capacity and defending against the potentially devastating impact of cyber attacks.

By establishing a national cyber policy and collaborating with all segments of society to raise awareness of cybersecurity issues, Indonesia can take concrete steps towards protecting its digital systems and networks against cyber attacks.

The authors emphasise that defining the main focus of cyber diplomacy is merely the start of cyber diplomacy capability.

Cyber diplomacy requires the participation of several parties both within and outside of governments.

Building support for policies and norms aimed at by diplomatic efforts necessitates the incorporation of cyber diplomacy focal points within overall governance procedures.

Governments must select and establish critical priorities for their cyber diplomacy activities, even if they have a variety of models to pick from.

Indonesia has a lot to gain by developing its cyber diplomacy capabilities.

With the establishment of the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) in 2017, Indonesia now has a government agency with a role in cyber security.

However, to strengthen its capability for cyber diplomacy, Indonesia must first establish a national cyber policy.

These plans must not only focus on cyber security, but also outline the country’s whole relationship with cyberspace.

Furthermore, it is critical to raise awareness of cybersecurity problems throughout the country.

Effective cyber diplomacy is a complex task that requires the capacity to engage in international and domestic legislation while also comprehending various government department judgments pertaining to local industry and technology use.

Governments must choose which fora, and how many, will help them achieve their foreign policy objectives.

Countries can modify the depth and breadth of their cyber diplomacy capabilities based on this assessment.

The issue of cyber threats and the need for effective cyber diplomacy is a pressing concern for many countries, including Indonesia.

As the country continues to develop its cyber capabilities and strengthen its defences against cyber attacks, partnerships with other countries, such as Australia, will be crucial in achieving these goals.

Building support for cyber diplomacy efforts also requires effective communication and collaboration across government departments, as well as with the private sector and other stakeholders.

The success of cyber diplomacy efforts will depend on a country’s ability to develop the necessary competencies and skills, as well as its commitment to upholding international law and voluntary state standards of behaviour in cyberspace.

Source: Ujang Priyono, Yoedhi Swastanto, Budi Pramono, 2023, Cyber Diplomacy
(A Perspective From Indonesia – Australia Cyber Cooperation)
, International Journal Of Humanities Education And Social Sciences (IJHESS), Volume 2, Number 4, February 2023, Page. 1326 – 1333

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